“I’m sure it just needs tuning.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

There are so many misconceptions about pianos and their servicing requirements that to list them all here would be an exercise in tedium. Suffice to say that in the same way that even if you lie in bed you still have to eat, a piano requires tuning and servicing, regardless of usage.

A basic rule of thumb is that it is the changing of the seasons that causes expansion and contraction within the actual piano and this causes the pitch of the instrument to rise or fall, so it therefore follows that a piano should be tuned on a minimum six monthly basis.

The mechanism (motor if you will) of the piano contains thousands of moving parts made up of wood, felt and metal. It accordingly follows that this will require servicing regardless of usage. In point of fact a piano which is not used often requires more maintenance than a piano in daily use.

Over and above all this a piano tuners best business friends are moth and mice. These cunning fellows can cause damage running to thousands of rands in an alarmingly short time frame.

We very often make our living out of a client’s neglect, lack of consideration of, or understanding about, their individual pianos needs. This is unnecessary as if you are placed with a competent, caring Service Company, like Piano World, we undertake to ensure that problems do not get out of hand and always give our clients the sort of advice that we should like to receive if we were the client. Ensuring that you are in the very best position to make an informed, intelligent decision.


The Fugard

Founder Members

Tuner-Restorers for the pianos and harpsichords at Artscape


UCT Approved Suppliers

Note: By Appointment Only